TJ Disposal:

To alleviate any concerns in regards to roll out curbside cart garbage and recycling services,
from TJ Disposal employees or TJ Disposal customers, please follow the guidelines below.
* Place all carts out on the street by the curb, by 8am of the service day. Carts placed out after this time cannot be guaranteed service.
* If more than one cart is being placed out, space 4 feet apart.
* Ensure that carts are away from vehicles or other objects.
* Ensure carts are placed far enough onto the street, for our service truck to visibly see and reach.
* Place your trash can and recycling bin at the curb with the wheels facing your house and the lid opening into the street.
These guidelines will guarantee the best possible service for your garbage and recycling collections, and we appreciate your cooperation. Customer Guidelines
Business Owners & Village of Leask Residents – See: Loraas Recycle Bin
We would also like to inform residents that the village of Leask has a compost pile where all your compostable materials are able to go. Residents are responsible for taking the compostable items there and the directions are posted at site.
Items that can go to composted.
- Grass clipping
- Leaves
- Household compostable items
Can I burn my garbage?
No person shall burn any refuse, household garbage or commercial waste. Burning barrels must not be
Village Recycling

The Village of Leask now has a Single Stream Recycling program with pickup from residents on alternate Tuesdays.
Please have your Blue Box at your garbage stand on the morning of pickup. Cardboard can still be placed in the bins located north of the Car Wash.
Please note that the recycling program and the bins for recycling of card board, are for Village Residents only. Any questions regarding the recycling program or to purchase additional Blue Boxes, please contact the Village Office.
Recycle Pamphlet – Side 1 | Side 2
Landfill Report
Our landfill is operating on a temporary permit, which can be rescinded if we do not make some forward movement. The landfill we have is not allowed to be expanded outwards. The only thing we could do is to expand upwards which means everything would have to be packed and clay would have to be brought in to create layers. Purchasing and hauling clay would prove to be very expensive.
Under our present temporary permit, the landfill must be decommissioned by 2027.